Saturday, April 25, 2009

I found a nice new comic called Bear and Kitten

Well, technically not new, but it's still pretty rad. <3 Thanks Pokémon thread at SA!

So I've been kind of down in the dumps lately, but I don't know what started it all. Maybe it was the not enjoying my job as much as I used to, or the fact that the amount of money I make now is $600 or so less than what I was making a year ago, or that I probably won't get to leave this state for a while.

But! I have awesome friends, and I would definitely stay to be around them and also my family. Well, maybe my family, but the friends are for sure. Who else would praise me for finding a Hunter S. Thompson tribute beer, or Root Beer Beer. We all agreed that it was fucking delicious. Natch.

I need a better job, so I guess I'll start applying places. Ugh. At least I have weekends off at this place, which is kind of retarded since you technically make the most on weekends... but I don't care. I've never had a job that I could take weekends off, or have a schedule that's close to something you would have at some career-type place. Like an office.


Friday, April 10, 2009


I don't get it.

How does one end up well adjusted? Is it bestowed upon them in a magical ceremony, or does it come from growing up in a "normal" family? Is it learned independently of people, or by their willingness to help you figure it out?

I go through life with this purpose: to be the best that I can for myself, and for everyone around me. But, is it purpose that keeps you in line, that keeps you striving for that seemingly unattainable goal of adjustedness? It has to be. I mean, that's what keeps me going. Most days, I don't want to get out of bed, and repeatedly mash my snooze button until the alarm goes away, and I can get back to my fucked up dreamscape. (And, by fucked up, I mean completely awesome.) Other days, I'm ready and willing to get my ass in gear, to tackle the day and accomplish what needs to be done. It's hanging onto that motivation that's the problem.

I still haven't quite gotten the hang of being energetic, of being driven. All throughout my life, I've wished that I would push myself more. I don't want to end up like my father, whose life is no longer his own. I don't see him very often, and haven't since I was very young, so I've had to pretty much replace him with other male influences. Some good, and some not so good, and some that are just plain bad. But, from all of them, I've found that their goals keep them moving.

Maybe that's my problem, that I don't have super-solid goals. The biggest thing I've got right now is getting out of Oklahoma. I want to be in California, and I have for a very long time. It just seems... right. Like it's where I belong. Doing what, I'm not sure, and I'm really not even sure that I can make it out there when I want to, but I'm trying. It's what I tell myself, that I'll get there if I just try my hardest. That's my motivation. Some people encourage me with no other reason than that they want to; others question my motives, wondering why I would choose there, or asking how I could leave my family and friends and everything familiar to me behind.

Change is necessary, and needed, and it's what I want.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


So, yesterday was my birthday party. It was fantastic! Everyone brought food, there was much alcohol and a hot tub, and we ended it with Guitar Hero. I couldn't have asked for a better gathering. :)

Here're some highlights from the day~

In the process of making a pie yesterday afternoon, before the party, I did this:

And THIS is the crowning glory...The Mother 3 Handbook! I've got a huge hardon for anything EarthBound/Mother related, so this... this is amazing. Thank you again, David!

Here's a shot of the covers; the one on the left is the dustcover, and the one on the right is the actual cover:

Here's the poster on the back side of the cover: