Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Have some chat (stew)!

[03:22PM] ian: oh i quit my job
[03:22PM] alex: which oen
[03:22PM] ian: sushi
[03:22PM] ian: the manager was being a fucking dick today
[03:22PM] alex: so you just walked out?
[03:22PM] ian: well
[03:23PM] ian: the other server had asked where the lids for togo cups were, and he flipped shit on her
[03:23PM] ian: so she asked me, and i showed her
[03:23PM] ian: then i went up to him and told him i thought he overreacted a bit
[03:23PM] ian: then he flipped shit on me
[03:23PM] ian: aaaaaaaaand then when i went back to the kitchen a bit later, he brought it up and said if i ever fucking did it again, i was fired
[03:24PM] ian: so i repeated myself, and he went off again, and i told him that i don't have to put up with that shit and that i quit
[03:24PM] alex: awesome
[03:24PM] alex: fuck that faggot
[03:24PM] ian: yeah, he can fuck right off
[03:24PM] ian: brb gotta go warm up my curry

Sunday, September 6, 2009

I don't update this thing enough

Hi blog world~

There're some changes going on in my life. Like, moving to an apartment near Riverside, losing my car to the ravages of time and/or space aliens, and starting work at a new sushi bar.

Uh...that's about it, kids.