Monday, November 23, 2009

Imagine a future...

...where you're still jobless, nearly two months after the fact. Depressing, innit?

Well, you don't have to be depressed, but good luck with that. When you apply to places that say they're hiring and they need people and you don't get a call back, you kind of wonder if you've failed at impressing them enough with your front-and-back-filled-out-application-with-references-and-previous-job-history-and-everything. Or you wonder if maybe you should start to lie about your job history and see how far that gets you (it's very tempting, let me tell you). Or maybe you just wonder whether or not you should give up looking for a job in such a terrible economy and move back in with your mom, go back to school, and just do something very part-time.

If I don't rectify this situation post-haste, I'm fucked.